ProgressNEXT Conference 2019: Welcome Sitefinity 12.0

Last week, developers and marketers came together at the ProgressNEXT Conference in Orlando, Florida. Members from (human)x and (spark) were able to attend the weeklong conference, gaining insight on web technology updates.

Aside from bonding over seafood at Disney Springs, attendees were privy to Sitefinity 12.0, which was unveiled at the conference. Throughout the week, Progress experts spoke to the updates 12.0 provided, including more personalization, increased UX design features and capabilities, optimization tips and tricks, and updates to their content management system.


We left last week feeling even more confident in our abilities to produce great websites. Sitefinity 12.0 helps us further collaborate within our teams and to clients by bringing in designers and developers to work side by side, then allowing clients to test their sites to ensure their conversion rates can be met.

This is our second year attending the annual ProgressNEXT Conference, and both years we have left more equipped to better serve our clients with their platform.
