Why Authentic Video Storytelling is Essential for Successful Brand Building

We’ve all scrolled past those fake-looking video ads on social media, right? Toothpastes that couldn’t possibly whiten that quickly, hair care products with fake influencer reviews. The list goes on and on, but no matter which industry or product these brands are peddling, they all have one factor in common: They reek of inauthenticity.

Customers are constantly bombarded with digital information, it’s true, but they’re also smart enough to recognize bad video storytelling when they see it. Even if your business is the most upstanding company with honest product reviews, one poorly designed video narrative will drive customers away – maybe forever.

Video can be a highly effective way to draw in and win over customers, but only when your video storytelling is on point. Sounds simple enough in concept, but brand storytelling in video format is actually a muti-faceted process that needs a thoughtful approach.

With years of experience at our backs, the (spark) team wants to set your brand up for video storytelling success, so we’re here to share our video marketing best practices and how you can apply them for yourself.

Today’s Video Landscape

It’s no secret or surprise that video content has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years. Initially, consumers responded to highly curated videos; then short-form content took the media world by storm, and now we’ve circled around to 60% of consumers preferring user-created video with a high degree of authenticity.

Video trends will continue to grow and change as time goes on, but one fact remains constant: The video landscape has grown to the point that marketers cannot afford to ignore it.

Believe it or not, that final statistic is great news for your brand if you’re also new to the video marketing scene: It means you’re not out of the game yet, and there’s still time to join the party. You just need a proven way to break through the digital noise and develop loyal customers – and that method is video storytelling.

What Is Video Storytelling?

With so much competition in the video world, brands can stand out from the clutter with authentic video storytelling. Today’s audiences prefer video for its inherent ability to easily convey emotion, quickly tell stories, and instantly capture attention.

When done well, video storytelling improves SEO rankings, increases brand visibility, creates an emotional connection with an audience, fosters loyalty and trust, and encapsulates a brand’s personality, values, and mission. That may sound like a tall order for just one facet of marketing to fill, but statistics don’t lie:

Video Storytelling Best Practices

It’s likely common knowledge that successful videos require an understanding of your audience and a keen eye for what resonates with them, but there are a few additional tips that can help your video storytelling really pop on the screen. When we work with clients in-house to help their marketing matter more, our team follows these guidelines:

  1. Avoid obvious salesmanship: No one likes a hard sell. Keep your video messaging genuine and sincere to be memorable.
  2. Know your audiences’ pain points: When video content is simple and solution-focused, people are more likely to move forward with a purchase.
  3. Simplify your visuals: Going big and bold isn’t a bad option, but remember that no matter how daring your visual brand elements are, they should be simple to have the greatest impact.
  4. Connect through values: An incredible 71% of shoppers choose to buy from companies that promote values they themselves hold.
  5. Build trust through shared vision: 81% of consumers want to trust a brand before buying from them, and the best way to build that trust is by transparently sharing your company’s vision and backstory.

The (spark) Advantage

Effective brand storytelling in video can help boost your brand’s effectiveness and growth and increase customer conversions and loyalty. When you’re ready to level up your video storytelling game, reach out to (spark) for support.

The (spark) team is a highly experienced group of creatives that specialize in crafting brand identities and campaigns through video storytelling. Our video content has a proven impact on consumers and truly makes brands matter more to their audiences. (spark) has had enormous success and experience in creating effective and award-winning video stories for our clients:

Leverage video storytelling to help grow your brand by contacting the experienced team at (spark). We can help you craft your next brand storytelling video and propel your business to new heights. Our storyboarding process is unmatched, and our full-service agency has the speed, agility, and collaborative spirit you need to light a new fire in your video production. Reach out today to learn more!
